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The History and Evolution of Escape Rooms: From Online Games to Real-Life Adventures

Escape games have become increasingly popular nowadays, serving as an excellent choice as a recreational as well as a team-building activity. Escape room activities are often chosen for bachelor and bachelorette parties as well as birthdays. Friend groups frequently opt for this type of activity in search of an exciting adventure. But where do escape room games originate from?

The Origins of Escape Rooms

The escape game evolution tracks back to computer games. The history of escape games began in 1980 with the introduction of Mystery House, a game where players had to search for jewelry in a house. However, instead of finding the jewelry, players found themselves in a scary environment, and the story became more complex. The game was a great success and was eventually acquired by IBM, leading the founding members to establish the first escape game startup. IBM saw the potential in the game and released Kings Quest in the market in which players could solve mysteries in a three-dimensional world. By 1998, several similar online games had been developed. The first escape room was created in Silicon Valley in 2006. Initially, industrial buildings, amusement parks, or stadiums were chosen as locations. Shortly after, in 2007, Japan opened its first escape room, clearly drawing inspiration from computer-based escape games. Escape rooms also gained popularity in San Francisco, where Agatha Christie’s novels served as the inspiration for the game. Later escape rooms were opened in various locations throughout Europe, also in Sweden.

How Are the Rooms Created?

To achieve the optimal experience, the creators thoroughly study each room. Guests need to have a good time, so the rooms are often tested before being opened to the public. The main goal is to provide escape enthusiasts with a positive and memorable experience.

What Happens During a Real-Life Escape Game Experience?

During the game, players encounter logical puzzles that they must solve within a certain time frame. Due to the speed and the stressful situation, the pulse rate increases, and players become fully immersed in the challenges. The game strengthens teamwork, and through collective thinking, players can escape from the room. Problem-solving skills and compromise can help achieve a successful outcome. In the end, the feeling of success provides a lasting experience for everyone. Players can choose from a variety of themed escape rooms. PanIQ Escape Room Stockholm offers numerous exciting rooms for enthusiasts, where you can find yourself in a mental hospital or participate in a prison break. Take a look around and see what other rooms await you!

The history of escape rooms is intertwined with computer technology and is now returning to it with the emergence of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies. In 3D reality, users can freely move, float, and manipulate their environment. We are curious to see how escape room games will continue to evolve in the future. But until then, let the games begin!

PanIQ Room Blog - Stockholm