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5 Reasons Why Escape Rooms are the Best Team-Building Activity

1. It’s safe, cheap, and comfortable

Going to an escape room is an inexpensive team-building activity, compared to the other options out there. Our escape rooms are located close to city centers with good access regardless of transportation means, so it shouldn’t be an issue for your associates to get there. The one-hour game time allows you to easily connect the experience with a lunch, dinner or other team-building activity. It’s safe and casual. There’s no need to change clothes or put anyone in a situation that may become awkward or uncomfortable. Since it’s an indoor activity, you don’t even have to worry about the weather.

2. It’s cooperative and improves communication skills

During an escape room game, team members need to depend on each other in various situations. Most tasks can only be solved through close collaboration and clear communication. The pressure of the clock builds mutual trust and a willingness to cooperate that sometimes gets obscured or frustrated in work environments. The immersive, imagination-inspiring environment also makes it easier to brainstorm , bringing out the best ideas. During the game, both motivation and loyalty toward the company are increased!

3. It improves your team’s stress resistance

The ultimate motivation for any project is usually its deadline. So the challenging tasks and increasing time pressure within an escape room are a great way to simulate tough workplace situations, but in a fun, non-threatening way. Players need to step out of their comfort zone in order to succeed (as this is a basic condition for the development of human competencies), and escape rooms do that while encouraging them to remain focused in order to be effective.

4. It’s a one-hour discovery process

As Plato said, “Watch a man at play for an hour and you can learn more about him than in talking to him for a year.” And according to Albert Einstein, “Play is the highest form of research.”
The one-hour game can reveal strengths and weaknesses of your colleagues that had been hidden by the confines of job descriptions and the division of labor. Escape rooms provide an opportunity to assess the informal hierarchy within the team. Most people take on roles during a carefree game, which can be very different from the roles they play elsewhere, and that knowledge may help to make sense of certain behavioral patterns in the work environment.
Through continuous cooperation, participants latently improve their self-management and self-advocacy skills.

5. Feel the power

In your average escape room, players have to solve more than a dozen tasks through joint effort. Those tiny successes lay the foundation for the moment of true ecstasy that comes at the end: the power of ‘together’, the experience of escaping. The shared goals and positive experiences bring the team together, preparing players for difficult moments that might occur in the workplace. It may turn out that the group cannot escape, but even in this case, it’s possible to improve, giving opportunity for the team to collectively correct their approach and immediately embark on a new mission, as PanIQ Room units always have a variety of themes to choose from.

PanIQ Escape Room Blog